Friday, April 8, 2011

Baby Shower

My Two Wonderful Hostesses
Patrick stuck around to great guests and then made his exit
Measuring the Tummy
The winner? A NICU nurse . . . imagine that!

Present Time!
Allison taught me how to put this on a teddy bear after the shower, and I can now put it on a stuffed giraffe and cat!
Yeah, they went there.
I'd never read this book before, but Hank and I have been practicing. He sits next to me on the bed, listens, and looks at the book, but he usually falls asleep by the end. Hank is also very intrigued by the Sophie Giraffe Teether. Dagny doesn't seem to be very interested in baby toys (imagine that), but Hank has to be kept out of the second bedroom because he does not understand why I am stockpiling squeaky, jingling things yet keeping them from him. How rude, eh!
The never-ending box from Lala:
A fedora . . . It is now affectionately referred to as a piece of the "Charlie Sheen outfit." I expected nothing less from you! Bring on the desert sun.
Special Candy
See what they say?!
And, of course, Miss Alejandra joined us.
Thanks Ladies!
Thanks for taking pictures during the shower, C!
Find some more here!

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