Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Patrick's Freakout

I have recently started being able to watch baby move around. Yesterday, I laid down and looked at my stomach only to see a gigantic bulge out to one side. Here is a summary of the conversation:

Katie (in living room): Whoa!!!
Patrick (from office): What?! What?! (worried)
Katie (in living room): Whoa! The baby is way over to one side!
Patrick (from office): Katie! Don't do that! (annoyed)
Katie (in living room): No really! Come see!
Patrick (from office): (Sigh) Okay.

: Oh my god!!!
Katie: (laughing)
Patrick (panicked): Don't laugh!
Katie: (laughing)
Patrick (yelling): Stop! Stop laughing! This is isn't right!!!
Katie (trying not to laugh): It's okay . . . (laugh)
(yelling): Stop it! Don't laugh!
Katie (trying not to laugh): Patrick, it's OKAY . . . (laugh)
(yelling): You're going to hurt it!
Katie: No I'm not. (laughing)
Patric: Stop!!!
Katie (trying not to laugh): It's okay. It's okay . . . (laugh)
(yelling): It's not funny! This is NOT okay!
(trying not to laugh): Patrick, it's fine . . . (laugh)
Patrick: No it isn't!
Katie: (prodding the bump; laughing)
Patrick (yelling): Stop!!! You're going to swish its brains!
Katie: (laugh)
Patrick (yelling): Stop!!!

(gigantic bulge "magically" disappears)

Katie: See. It moved. It's okay.
Patrick: Oh. Well I don't think it's supposed to do that.

Later at El Charro . . .

Katie: What exactly did you think was gonna happen?
Patrick: I don't know. It looked like it was about to bust out the side of your stomach.
Katie: Patrick, it isn't a vampire baby. It really can't just bust out the side of my stomach. It's not that strong, . . . and my skin is pretty strong.
Patrick: Yeah, I guess. That is just what it looked like.
Katie: Unless it has a little tiny scalpel
in there, there's really only one way out.


E said...

OMG I love this. I let my friend read this convo as a study break. Since we are amidst OB and Peds right now. Too funny! Vampire baby, ah classic.

Claire said...

Ha ha ha!! Classic :)
It is quite creepy to see the moving and the bulging, though.