Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Hurt Puppy

Hank has another foot boo-boo!

Hank a bad habit of, every now and then, darting in front of you while on a run. He did it to P yesterday, and P accidentally stomped on his foot/leg. He tried to carry Mr. Puppy home, but he was too heavy and just had to limp back. By the evening, Hank was doing fine, running and playing, but this morning when he woke up, he was limping again. And all day, he has been limping around the house, continuously licking his invisible boo-boo. Obviously we are putting off taking him to vet because all they are gonna do is charge a small fortune for an x-ray, but if he doesn't get better soon, we may have to! Poor Mr. Puppy!

Here is Mr. Puppy "icing" his leg with a bag of frozen peas and carrots.
He only put up with this for about 20 minutes!


Hoarseman said...

Poor Hanky Panky, will he let you touch the foot? Do you feel any creptitation?

Allison said...

oh hankers! is the paw still troublesome?