Thursday, June 18, 2009

Closet Re-Do

Patrick’s closet, dresser, and the space in between were in a dire state. The dresser had fallen apart and been put back together several times during the move and never quite recovered.
One thing led to another . . .
So, when he went to Chicago (this post is a little overdo), I decided to try and alleviate the situation a bit by getting a new dresser and re-organizing his closet -


Colleen said...

Very nice Ack! The real question is what does the closet and dresser area look like now... cause it seems to me that women organize and the men will find a way back to the crazy mess... Miss you bunches :)

Katie said...

actually they still look pretty good!

Colleen said...

impressive how can I get mine to be so clean!! haha you must teach me your secrets YODA! HUGS

Allison said...

So you think you could work your wonders on my 3 closets, one dresser, one armoir and 4 under the bed boxes? My real issue is putting folded clothes away. Hanging clothes are easy.....