Monday, April 20, 2009

Maybe I'm the Only One . . .

. . . but I think these new Clorox Disinfecting Wipes are soooo cute!
Even though I've been experimenting with some more "Natural Cleaning Solutions" from RealSimple, I have one of these in the kitchen and one in the bathroom!


Allison said...

I cleaned my bathroom last night hardcore. I even scrubbed the walls and ceiling. But then I started to feel sick. Umm, mixing many different types of cleaning products at once is probably not the best idea....

Hoarseman said...

Allison, did you mix bleach with something else, even simply on the same surface? Depending on what was involved bleach can release chlorine gas, which in a) high concentration and/or b) confined spaces can cause health problems. That kind of thing can sneak up on you if you aren't careful.