Monday, March 2, 2009

The Lookout

I rearranged the second bedroom so that I can sit at my desk, see "the wall," and maybe catch our little escape artist in the act. I'm not really a desk studier, but I guess I'll have to make it work for now. It's worth a try!

Update: I stepped away from the desk to answer phone and she did it AGAIN! We are gonna have to stretch the electric fence all the way around the yard. So much for having a walled yard . . .


Hoarseman said...

Maybe you could tie their collars together? Or would that just result in Dagny pulling Hanks head off?

Katie said...

You know, you're not the first person to suggest that . . .

Allison said...

I like her escape-artistry! :)

Hoarseman said...

Hey hermanita, how goes the puppy pratfalls?

Katie said...

Dagny has not escaped lately because she only gets "supervised let's go potty time" until our additional electric fence wire comes in the mail. Apparently there was none is all of Tucson, so we had to order it. And, since Hank doesn't like to be outside alone, he has been inside too. They are both going NUTS because they are so bored. We are attributing this to why Hank has taken on a new fascination with tipping over the trashcan.