Sunday, January 11, 2009

Keepin' It Real - Part I

So I discovered the “Keepin’ It Real” blog posts a little later than it originally made the rounds (;;

It goes like this:
Take pictures of the following 10 things . . .
1. Fridge
2. Closet
3. Kitchen Sink
4. Toilet
5. Favorite Shoes
6. Favorite Room
7. What my kids are doing right now
8. Laundry
9. Self-Portrait
10. Dream Vacation
. . . The catch is that in order to see how people exist in real life, there is no prepping, primping, or picking up (i.e. just take your camera and just go for it!) The point is that you should not pretend your life is perfect on your blog when everyone knows that life generally isn’t.

I discovered the “challenge” (was “tagged”) somewhere around the middle of exams, and the house was a mess. And, not a normal mess, but a really, really awful, horrible mess. But that’s the point, right? Well, I decided that it wasn’t fair that I was “tagged” while my house was at its most disgusting point possibly ever:
. . . yeah.

I also decided that maybe I don’t care about being “real” on my blog. A blog is, in a way, inviting people into your life, and don’t you usually pick up around the house before you invite company in? I decided that maybe it is kinda nice to be able to pretend (not lie, just pretend a little bit) that everything is lovely. Maybe I like to pretend that my dining room always looks like this:
And that my bed always looks like this:
But, maybe it was right before Christmas, and maybe my closet actually looked like this:
Besides, whose kitchen sink actually looks like this right before dinner? Not mine.
And who really only has this much laundry to do? Not me.
Maybe I'm just a slob, but come on, really?!

Anyway, I’ll finally take the pictures tomorrow, but you should know that I have been cleaning up a little bit since we just got back to town - as one does. Although, because we just got back into town, some things are still kinda a wreck, such as in the laundry department. So, this will be my semi-edited version of “keepin’ it real.” I’m sorry, but it is the best I can do. I simply can't put a picture of a dirty toilet out there for all (ok, really just my mom, Allison, and Colleen) to see. And, I will go ahead and tag three more people, although if anyone actually reads this (again, other than the 3 above), feel free to consider yourselves tagged as well.

Maybe some of them will be a little more “real” than I am!
Tag: Katie, Elyssa, & Andrea


Allison said...

I need a blog just so i can keep it real. However, I have 3 closets and an armoir. Which would I pick? They are all in a state of disarray. but not as much as my laundry, which is a mix of clean and dirty clothes, but once i get to washing my laundry, its all dirty and winkled at that point, right?

Katie said...

You can do keepin' it real and e-mail me the pictures! I'll put up a special "allison" post! just an idea.

Katie said...

oh, and I think that is is technically "a closet," so you can pick i guess. i picked "my" closet out of our three. you think i'm putting a picture of patrick's closet on there? no way! or the dresser, which ever!