Saturday, November 22, 2008

Hank's Foot Drama

This week Hank finally got our attention. On Sunday morning he was limping around and holding his foot up to us.

He had a nasty thorn in his pad. Poor baby! We tried to get it out, but it was in his pad really deep. He trashed around too much for us to get a hold of it with our tweezers.

We even tried soaking his foot in water to possibly loosen it up. THAT was the most traumatic part for some reason!

He was obviously in even more pain Monday, so Patrick took him to our new vet. Hank was a very sweet boy, but they had to sedate him in order to get the thorn out and clean the wound. While they worked on him, they discovered two more holes in his foot! When he got home, Hank was very groggy.

Hank's Club Foot

Hank got to hang out on our bed and recover, away from his jealous sister.

Dagny was quite anxious about what was going on.

Hank & Mommy

If he chewed at his bandage, we would have to get a cone for him to wear. Someone chewed at it . . .

. . . but it was not Hank, so a cone would not have helped.

We put a sock on it to keep it from unraveling anymore.

And then taped the sock on.

Feelin' a little better . . .

HP and I went back Thursday for a follow up, and the vet said Hank was healing nicely. He got his bandages removed but has to be careful about what kind of surfaces he runs around on (no hot concrete/asphalt). The vet also said "no" to California's Dog Beach unless Hank only walks (yeah right!) or wears some kind of protection on his footsie. So, today Patrick and I will go shopping for some fashionable booties for Mr. Hank. I think he will be very excited.
P.S. You wouldn't think that having a giant thorn pulled out of one's foot while drugged would be fun, but Hank was soooooo excited to be back at the vet Thursday that he could not keep him booty on the floor because his tail was wagging so hard. I couldn't even get him to stop ra-ra-rooing, barking, & howling with excitement while we were in the waiting room. It was kinda embarrassing, but Hank was like a celebrity! Even though he had only been there once before, everyone knew him and came into our room to say hello. What a sweet boy we have . . .

1 comment:

Allison said...

Dagny's so obnoxious for eating off Hank's bandage! Haha! She is getting the naughty christmas gifts; Hank the nice gifts. :)