The link below is to Patrick's first mass produced article (approximately 40,000-75,000 views), so we thought it worth sharing, particularly to those of you who have been reading and listening to his ceaseless diatribes since he had the ability to talk. If you check the parent directory (, one of the most exciting things is that the article is listed just under one written by Chalmers Johnson and Tom Engelhardt. Apparently it has even been translated into both French and some kind of East Asian, I think it's Korean . . .
I like the link to the you tube video
Larry and I very much enjoyed reading your article. You are a very talented and insightful writer. It is so important to remember to look at all sides of an issue. Statistics and rankings can be so misleading when applied to most of life. Healthcare is too important a subject to allow this to be the only measure of value. Thanks for your care for this important issue!
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