Tuesday, April 9, 2013

San Francisco Day 5

Today, we went to Golden Gate Park: to the Academy of Sciences (http://www.calacademy.org/) and  to the first public playground in the U.S. (http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=40374).  Trey was a pill at first, but once we got some food in him, he had a great time.  He liked touching star fish (but we had to leave that because of a "splashing incident"), seeing the stuffed "deeeeeeeeer" in the African animals exhibit, and then freaked us all out when he took the museum's fish identification sheet and starting matching it up with the fish in the tank - without any prompting - seriously  The playground was really neat, and Trey took his THIRD carousel ride.  This time, he chose a dog(!) and was very excited his Kiki and Mama rode too!

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