Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Dogs are Still Here 2

Example #3 (for Allison) -

Miss Allison suggested getting a baby gate to keep the dogs away from the baby items, and it is an item I considered . . . for about 30 seconds. However, after ingraining this behavior into them when we lived in Georgia, I'm pretty sure the items below might just be confused with . . . . . . this item!
Look at that good dog, just lying there. That is not our dog. I'm pretty sure dogs would LOVE a baby gates almost as much as a shaggy rug, and I don't know if I see the redeeming value.

1 comment:

ACE said...

Okay, so maybe gate was the wrong word and fortress is more like it. Or just buy things that can be washed and fit in your washing machine.....